
Secret Confessions - 秘密の告白

Hey there sapphic sisters!

You know, I haven't been out lesbian clubbing recently. It's making me really depressed... you see, I'm the type of person who needs to "dance out" their feelings.

最近、全然ビアンクラブ行ってないです。行ってなくて、ストレスになっていますよ! ダンスでストレスなくなる人だからね。。。

via Jessbloomforever

You see, my lesbian friends, I'm a Leo. This means I crave attention and love spotlight. It's why I was a theater kid, it's why I'm an outgoing person, it's why I love karaoke, and of course, why I love to D-A-N-C-E. I can't help it, it's just in my nature.

実は、私はゾディアクのリオです。だから人の興味とか、スポットライトが大好き。 このように高校のセアタークラブに入ったし、人がすごく好きだし、カラオケ大好きだし、もちろんダンスも大好きです。自然のことだから。

So my little dyklings, I have a confession to make.
Something that might (or might not really) shock you.



Work, Coming out and other issues...

Hey there gay-verse! How are you ladies doing?

I've been okay - but as you can probably tell, really busy. I've even been too busy for Twitter recently! I know, it's a first. The thing of about teaching English in Japan - the hours. They're weird. So I find myself coming home and going straight to bed, waking up late and going straight to work. There's not really much time for myself these days... Not that I'm complaining - such is the nature of the beast.

アタシは大丈夫ですが、やっぱりとても忙しくて、最近ツィターでも時間がないです! 本当に初めて。英会話の仕事って、時間が難しいです。すごく変だし、自分の時間なさそうです。家に帰って来て、すぐ眠ります。遅くまで寝て、そしてすぐ仕事に行くみたいな感じですね。文句じゃないだけどね!

In other news, my boss asked me the other day if I had a boyfriend. EEEEEEKKKKKKK! Honestly, I hadn't planned on coming out in the workplace at all while I was in Japan - not for the first three months at least. I originally planned on staking it out, feeling out my Japanese co-workers... you know. Knowing who my allies are. This question from my boss caught me so totally off guard - in any normal situation in the States, I would be all OUT and PROUD... but... I find myself clamming up when it comes to Japanese people. I know that being gay is a big taboo here, especially being out of the closet and able to talk about it something that is relatively a new concept.


So I did what most lesbians would do in my situation, new at work, don't know who is gay-friendly or not... and I lied. I lied and said yes, I have a Japanese boyfriend - instead of a Japanese girlfriend. And you know what.... I feel HORRIBLE about it. Not only because I lied, but because my girlfriend was right next to me while I did it. A new kind of intense shame came over me...




One of my good friends once told me, "It's not your job to come out to everyone - you're not here to educate everyone - only the people you want to come out to. You shouldn't feel pressure." At the time, I felt really relieved - you know, she's right. It's NOT my job to tell the whole fucking world about my personal life - especially when I think it will cause me more trouble than good. But ... you see, I have this complex. I feel like somehow I've let everyone down by lying. I feel like it's my job, especially in Japan, to show everyone what a lesbian looks like, that I'm just as normal as they are, so maybe in that way, we can strive towards acceptance.


その時、友達が言っていた事すごく信じていました。 確かに、この世界にいっぱい同性愛者に反対している人いると思います。自分の無難を考えないとダメですね。でも、やっぱり、日本人特にカミングアウトしたいです。本当のレズビアンのイメージを見せたいし、同性愛者は普通の人と分かってほしい。それでちょっとだけ、一歩一歩この世界を変えるでしょう。

And I missed my chance. My boss doesn't ask me anymore about my private life, and... well... I've missed the opportunity to be open at my workplace.

So what would you have done in my shoes? Would you have come out of the closet, even if you were only at work for a few days, and risk the wrath of your coworkers? Or even getting fired? Or would you have lied?

皆さん、 私だったらどうする?カミングアウトする?職場人が恐くても?首になりそうでも?ウソつく?

Urgh... life is hard yo.



Colori Caffe, Nesting!

Hey all my gay ladies out there! It's been a while, I'm sorry. Maybe I had bad timing when I started this blog - trying to start a blog when you're also starting a new job is really difficult. But I'm going to try to do my best!


Sooo... this weekend I went to the most bangin' lesbian event I've ever been to! No, it wasn't at a club... it was at L Night at Colori Caffe in Kyoto. Yossy and all of the people there were so amazing. If you have the chance to check out her cafe, I highly recommend it. It was really nice to visit a place for lesbians to simply hang out, such a rarity in a world ruled by clubs and bars. I think I can honestly say it is the most fun I have ever had at an event in Japan! I truly think that Colori Caffe is a wonderful place - fulfilling a great need to the lesbian community. I really want to write more about it - maybe I will talk about my experience at the caffe in my next post. It truly is an amazing place.


When I haven't been going to events, I've been working working working. English teaching is the first real job I've ever had, and so far it has kept me very very busy. I'm sure that I will get better at it as I go along, but for now it is pretty difficult.


When I'm not thinking about lesson plans, I'm thinking about new ways to decorate my apartment. My current apartment is the first I have ever had! I have literally been obsessing over Ikea catalogues, the Muji website, FrancFranc.... It's really like a sickness. I'm obsessed with making my apartment the cutest and loveliest it can be. I think it is going to bankrupt me! I hope I will have enough money for food.

レッスンプランを作る時間じゃなかったら、アパートのことばっかり考えています!今のアパートは初めての一人暮らしです。最近IKEAとか無印良品とかフランフランとか。。。本当に病気みたいです!今のアパートを完璧にしたい気持ちがすごく強いです。お金なくなるね!食べ物も必要でしょ〜 (^_^)

I'm sorry this post is so short, but I'm about to fall asleep at my computer. Until next time, keep on keepin' on :)

短くてごめんなさい。今疲れている(T_T) また今度まで、お元気でね!


English is hard! 英語は難しいですね!

Hey Everyone! I'm so sorry I haven't had time to write this blog. I'm currently training to become an English teacher, and only have time for lesson planning. I've learned that even if English is your native language, it is still very hard to teach.

みなさん、ハロー〜〜〜 このブログを書く時間なくてごめんなさいね。今英語先生のトレーニング中ので、レッスンプランを作る時間しかありません。英語が言語だっても、そんなに簡単に英語先生にならないんですね。教えるのは難しいです!

But don't worry! After training, I will be writing more as soon as I get more time. Please keep reading! More exciting things to come, I promise.


Thanks for coming to my blog. Please check back soon for more updates! You can also follow me on Twitter, which is easier for me to use these days.



Kansai Rainbow Parade 関西レーンボーパレード

A picture I took 2 years ago when I went to the Parade myself!
Hey there ladies!
Are you queer and living in the Kansai area? Well have I got some news for you! There's going to be a Pride Parade (called Rainbow Parade) in Osaka on October 9th. And unlike big Pride Parades in the states, you actually get to walk in this one just by showing up! You see, now you have to go.

Here's a link to their English website for more info: http://kansaiparade.org/2010/index_en.html

Sadly, I can't go since I'll be starting training for my new job on the same day. Which is why I want you to go for me! Be awesomely gay in my absence, ok? :)




Is it finally true? ケイト・メーニッヒは彼女がいますか?

 So she hasn't come out yet but...

These pictures would seem to say otherwise:

Pictures after the jump!

Stand up, Catwoman!

Waaaahhhhhhhh.... I can't believe I missed it! And I'm so close to leaving for Japan! Only two weeks away...

This weekend Osaka played host to one of the biggest lesbian club events in Japan, Diamond Cutter (why it's called that, I'm not really sure). Hundreds of lesbians come to play, hang out and meet up. Honestly, I have never seen this many Japanese lesbians in one place, let alone in Kansai. It's like Japanese Dina Shore, but one night only. Diamond Cutter comes to Osaka once or twice a year and is the main event on any Kansai lesbian's calendar. And I missed it! So sad...

今週末は大阪のDiamond Cutterと言うイベントがありました。(なんでDiamond Cutterと言うか分かりませんけど。。。)レズビアンたちは遊びとか、出会いとか、友達と会うためにいっぱいこのイベント行きます。Diamond Cutterと言うイベントは一番人が多いのビアンのイベントかな? アメリカのDinah Shoreと言うイベントみたいんですけど、一日の夜だけですよ。大阪のパーティーは一年で一回か二回しかありませんから、ビアンたちはミッスしたくないでしょう!今回、私はまだ日本にいませんからさ。。。悲しい〜(´ヘ`;)

Funny story about my first time at DC:


It's that time of year again...

The time of year when I decide to start a blog before I move to Japan to work as an English teacher.


As some of you may know by now, I'm leaving on October 6th to start my job as an English teacher in Japan. How long I'll be there, I have no idea. But I'm really excited to get started.

I'm going to try my best to keep this blog bilingual, but I can't promise my Japanese won't be full of mistakes. Please be kind!

10月6日から英語先生になるために日本へ行きます。どのぐらい日本にいるかまだ分かりませんが、本当に楽しみにしています。日本人や外国人が読めるようにこのブログをバイリンガルにして頑張ります!私の日本語はそんなに上手じゃないんですから、よろしくおねがいしますね (^_^)v